Evil Red

I was at my grandparents house. I was playing in the woods behind the house and noticed something strange by these plants. It was a Pokemon game, I thought this was cool but wired at the same time. I mean, this is private propriety, who was back here and left a Pokemon game back here? Anyways, it was Pokemon: Red. My grandparents have a Gameboy in the house, so that means i can play this game!
I went in the house so i can go in the basement and get some battery's. While i was in the basement, i heard this low moaning noise coming from the back of the basement. I got scared and got the battery's and got out as fast as i could. I ran up to my room and locked the door and the windows. I put the game in and started to play.
The title screen showed some weird picture of this Pokemon. At least, i think its a Pokemon. The game started me out in pallet town, and this weird noise was coming from the speakers. It sounded like static noise, like, something was interfering..... I then walked in the patch of grass and a text box popped up and said "You shouldn't have done that..." . Then it showed a weird picture of this Pokemon. It kinda looked like Missingno. Then the sound turned off by it self. Then, l looked out my window and saw what appears to be a sever storm going on. Then it started to hail outside. I continued on with the game and this time, Lavender town music was playing for no reason. Then hail broke threw my window, and i heard the low moaning again, but this time it was really really loud. It was raining really hard and lightning was hinting the ground like crazy. The room flew off of the house and I could see a tornado next to the house. I got the Pokemon game and smashed it into little pieces. The tornado was gone and the storm stopped.
I will never forget the day i found Pokemon "Evil" Red.